Situated on the SkyLift Park, this 680-foot-long man-made wonder is North America’s longest suspension bridge.

Walking across America’s longest pedestrian bridge is awe-inspiring walk in the clouds. And at the bridge’s 150-foot-high midpoint, you’ll find breathtaking views.

Cross the bridge at your own pace and enjoy a stunning view of the city as well as the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Once you reach the midpoint, you can enjoy the landscapes below through its clear glass-floor panels.

Let’s get to what you really want to know: What’s it like to walk across? Well, that depends on how you feel about being hundreds of feet in the air with dozens of your closest friends. Personally, I don’t love heights, and I hate bridges. So this was definitely a challenge for me. I am so glad I did it! The views made up for any of my anxiety By the time we reached the mid-point where you make your way across the glass panels all I could focus on was the incredible view. 

You can walk the bridge at your own pace. We certainly did, there were several times I had to stop and just remind myself others have made it across this bridge and made it back to tell the story, all while gripping the side rails for dear life. The SkyBridge is very secure (it holds more than 200,000 pounds), but that knowledge isn’t much comfort when the bridge is bouncing up and down as you make their way across. 

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The cost of admission allows unlimited trips up and down the mountain all day. There is a diagram that tells you the names and heights of the mountains in the distance — the Rocky Top, Mount LeConte, Clingmans Dome and several others.  To me honestly, I am so glad we did this, the ride up the mountain was what I was most fearful of and in the end once you are up in the clouds you are so glad you concurred your fears to see such amazing views.  We definitely recommend even if you have a fear of heights or bridges or both. 

Author Bio: Kim and Mark enjoy snuggling with their two dogs Snuggles and Bandit, watching movies, road trips, gardening, succulents enjoying all types of cocktails in their home bar and talking about it afterwards.

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